Yours truly

Handy Links and things ...

Want more information about Guyana? Check out these 'ere links:

Guyana Wikipedia page -

Stunning Guyanese photography - (Click on 'Gallery', then select folders on the right)

Guyana Yours To Discover, a low budget, but fairly good documentary -

Project Trust's Guyana page -

The Blog of a PT volunteer currently in Guyana -

Guyanese Flag


About everything:

Fancy knowing a little more about me ...?

I enjoy reading, writing, photography, archery, drawing, listening to music, pretending to be a cowboy, walking, being in the cold, making people laugh, researching 'things wot interest me', jousting, cooking, knife and axe throwing, being spontaneous and collecting skulls. I also have a soft spot for strawberries and long jackets. I don't like violence (although it is interesting), mayonnaise, numbers, cities, fake tan, humourless people, deadlines, pork, politicians and dresses. I don't plan to grow up. Ever. But my plans for the future ...? I would like to become a stand up comedian, or a proffessional novelist, or an environmental savior. Or perhaps a bit of all three.


A bit about Project Trust ...

Project Trust is an educational volunteering charity. They send volunteers aged 17-19 years old (such as myself) to foreign countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Carribean to work as a valued member of a local community on 8 and 12 month programs. Project Trust has existed since 1967, and send only a handful of handpicked volunteers overseas each year. If you want to find out more about Project Trust, please follow this link to go to their website (it's a bit snazzier than mine):


What about Guyana ...

Guyana is a small carribean country on the northern border of Brazil, in South America. It is about the same size as the UK, but has only 1.5% of our population. It's pretty diverse, with Indo-guyanans and Afro-guyanans mostly populating the comparitively crowded coast (including the captital city, Georgetown), whilst the native Amerindians live mostly in the extensive rainforests. There is also a large part of savannah - the Rupunini Savannah. Apparently there are cowboys there, which I find to be rather awesome. The country has suffered from a 'brain drain' and so there is a severe shortage of teachers. By all accounts, there is also limited electricity, running water and internet, so communications might be difficult, but I'll do my best.